How it all began
Founder Blue Apple Theatre actor Tommy Jessop in rehearsal for The Tempest, 2019. Photo by Mike Hall.
The early years
When Tommy Jessop left school in 2004 he told his parents he wanted to be an actor. Tommy has Down’s Syndrome and finding an inclusive theatre close to his home proved to be a difficult task.
With the nearest theatre company for people with a learning disability in London, his mum Jane decided to set up an ambitious and inclusive theatre company locally for people with a learning disability, where every member would be equally valued.
Pilot classes were held in 2005 with over 50 people attending sessions. Blue Apple Theatre was later founded, as part of the local Mencap, with one part-time drama teacher supported by volunteers and held its first workshop in July 2005.
Jane explained: “I worked in business and marketing, not theatre, but actually that was a brilliant background as I could push the doors and raise the money, bringing in the people who knew what they were doing to direct the plays, although I did also very much enjoy directing a few shows when I had the opportunity and supporting rehearsals.
“I remember at the first rehearsal people coming up to me and saying ‘we are so lonely, so bored, we don’t have any friends.’ They were sitting in their rooms just watching television, apart from doing circuit training on Saturdays, they did little else.
“At the first workshop people came and they just stood in little islands and not talking, but then after a while they were like butterflies opening their wings. They made friends; became confident and started making plans together. It was wonderful to see.
“Right from the beginning, we were ambitious. We wanted to lift the ceiling of expectation and change the minds of the public about what they believed people with learning disabilities could do.
“I believe Blue Apple has done this. The plays and dance performances Blue Apple produces are performed to such high standards, members are very kind and supportive to one another and are such lovely, lively people – all of that helps other people understand that people with learning disabilities are just like everyone else. They have toured and been asked to perform all over the country and even overseas. I know that the people of Winchester and beyond are proud of them all.”
In 2009, Blue Apple employed its first Artistic Director Peter Clerke. He said: “It was brilliant from the start, the belief and the ability of everybody made it such a joy to work with people and see how they progressed.
“Blue Apple has a fantastic membership with great talent, ability and personality. The shows, over the past 15 years haven't, however, been created by 'magic'; they've been created by the skills and experience of a team of very dedicated and talented professional artists, working with that fantastic membership.”
In 2013 the company became established as a fully independent registered charity. In 2014, the first, full-time manager was employed to work alongside its Artistic Director, Choreographer and Administrator.
In 2021 the staff team expanded to help extend opportunities to more people with learning disabilities and build creative confident communities across Hampshire and wherever there is a perceived need for accessible and inclusive performing arts. In response to the COVID pandemic Blue Apple introduced online classes and pioneered new digital techniques to enable live productions to continue despite the need for social distancing. Online access is now available to any participant who cannot attend in person. In 2022 Blue Apple introduced a Young Company online and also forged new collaborations, including partnerships with day service providers QE2, Way Ahead and The Grange at Bookham. In 2023 we also started working in partnership with Forest Forge Theatre in Ringwood, Minstead Trust’s Hanger Farm Arts Centre and Oak Lodge School. There are more developments underway in 2024.
Over 19 years Blue Apple Theatre has become one of the most well-known disability arts organisations in the south of England, presenting high quality productions to the widest possible audiences – performing and touring drama, dance, film and song within a variety of indoor and outdoor venues locally, nationally and even internationally with partners in the Czech Republic, Poland and Italy. We have established an extensive portfolio of more than 38 productions and have been hugely successful in our mission to make popular classics accessible to people with learning disabilities, which in turn has mirrored that accessibility to a wider audience to open up new ways of appreciating the universal meanings within the text.
Two of Blue Apple’s performers are now also participating in the Transforming Leadership Programme, a ground-breaking two-year initiative started and led by Access All Areas Theatre, a pioneering charity in the UK learning disability theatre sector. This programme is designed to cultivate aspiring performers into leadership roles, offering a unique platform for individuals with learning disabilities or autism to excel in the arts.
Blue Apple Theatre is now recognised as one of the foremost theatre groups in the UK for people with a learning disability, staging highly popular shows. Blue Apple not only provides a range of theatrical opportunities for our participants, but also challenges common perceptions and informs the wider public debate. Now in our 19th year, our major projects are bespoke creations built around a wide range of skills and needs within our large cast. Our company offers performers the chance to learn from each other as well as from a professional team. Stepping on stage is a real challenge for any of us, so our cast needs to build up, and draw on, reserves of confidence which will allow them to succeed at their highest possible level. We are forever trying to focus on the importance of clarity in communication, as well as what it means to work together collaboratively and kindly, both on stage and off. Though we focus finally on a live performance, all the sessions which lead towards it are in fact 'rehearsals for life'.