Blue Apple Singers

Mondays 4.30-5.30pm at The Chapel, University of Winchester

Blue Apple Singers covers a broad mix of song choices and singing styles. The group perform at external events and within some stage events.

An Oscar Wilde character once (almost) said: “Anyone can play accurately - but I play with wonderful expression. Sentiment is my forte. I keep science for Life.”

The Blue Apple Singers have sentiment as their forte and enough charm and heart to ride rough-shod over any cynic. This unique troupe of songsters shine new light on songs you thought you knew and also bring new work to fresh audiences. Whatever the weather, they bring sunshine to any festival, and it is impossible to watch them without smiling, joining in and having any wavering faith in humanity utterly restored!

Please email to find out more or book.

Below Left: Blue Apple Singers at Rawlings Centenary Right: At HMS Audibility Festival

Below: Blue Apple Singers after rehearsal in April 2022

A group of eight people in a sunny garden wave to the camera

You can see the group in action in the video below, filmed in Eastleigh in December 2021.

Interested in Blue Apple setting up classes in your area? Let us know by filling in this short form.