SEE NO EVIL aims to raise the awareness of exploitation by county lines organised drug trafficking and promote protective behaviours and resilience. With county lines and mate hate as a backdrop the film tackles key themes such as bullying, exploitation and prejudicial language. It also addresses how to report hate crime and how to be a better friend. Watch the film here. You can use this link when showing it to students:


Each lesson plan comes in a step-by-step format that includes discussion points, drama conventions and performance opportunities.

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Real Friends

This explores the meaning of friendship and healthy relationships and how to spot the characteristics of abusive behaviours.

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Mind Your Language

This explores the impact of language on mental health and how to identify ableist and disablist language.

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This defines and looks at how cuckooing occurs; a crime, where the home of a vulnerable person is taken over to use it as a base for criminal activity – often ‘county lines’ drug trafficking or for storing firearms or stolen property. The crime is named for the cuckoo's practice of taking over other birds' nests for its young (link to the previous task).

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Trust Into Mistrust

This looks at abusive friendships and how to spot signs that someone is being manipulated.

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