Wizard of Oz tickets now on sale

Blue Apple's Wizard of Oz

Book tickets here

7 to 8 April 2022 at 7.30pm

in The Winchester College QE2 Theatre

With guest vocal performances by
actress Miriam Margolyes and radio presenter Clare Carson

Tickets are now on sale here

If this is the ‘Wizard of Oz’ then who is the old lady in the Hampshire care home, and why are we moving from 2022 to 1970 and 1898? As memories fade and the mind plays its tricks, is someone confusing reality with childhood stories or Hollywood movies?

“I should have never trusted that damned-fool Baum man, shifty. Took everything I said and wrote it right down, in black and white. Not an original thought under his hat. And don’t get me started on that darned film! Ruby shoes indeed! The shoes were silver, the most beautiful things I ever saw. Silver…I should know…I wore them.”

Yes, there is a cowardly lion, confused scarecrow and a tin man searching for a  heart – but this is Blue Apple Theatre taking on a classic, so expect the unexpected and be prepared to see the familiar from a fresh perspective.”

Performances at The Winchester College QE2 Theatre

Thursday 7 April 7.30pm | Friday 8 April 7.30pm

Ticket prices: Full price £15 | Family (any group of 4+) £12 | Play to the Crowd Members £12

Book tickets here

Image shows a yellow brick road winding into the horizon, with red trees that have blue blossom and green prairie either side.  The Wizard of Oz in ornate letters hangs over the front sliding off the yellow road and the letters are root entwined

Illustration by Naomi Oppenheim. Poster by Rich Williams.