Street Dancers welcome Queen’s Baton Relay

Blue Apple’s Street Dance Group welcomed the Queen’s Baton Relay at Winchester Sport and Leisure Park on 6 July 2022. The Queen's Baton Relay around the world is held prior to the beginning of the Commonwealth Games. The baton carries a message from Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace in London to the festivities, which this year are in Birmingham. The welcoming party included Winchester’s Mayor Councillor Green, Winchester city councillors, local school children and members of the public.

Members of Blue Apple’s Street Dance group performed a welcome dance and then joined with Year 5 children from Weeke Primary School to escort the baton in a lap round the athletics track.

Below is a selection of photos from the event showing Blue Apple performers (clockwise) Daniel Austin, James Spencer, James Elsworthy and Ben Tyler, with their dance facilitator Amanda Watkinson (top centre). All photos kindly provided by Winchester City Council.


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