Cuckooing to be made a criminal offence

Cuckooing will be a criminal offence - this is why we made See No Evil

The government has announced that landmark legislation will ban cuckooing, an activity that exploits vulnerable people. Cuckooing is when the home of a vulnerable person is taken over by criminals to use it for illegal activities, such as drug dealing. The offence will carry a maximum penalty of five years in prison. This is exactly why we made See No Evil, explaining cuckooing through drama and real police insight.

In 2021 Blue Apple premiered a short animation film on hate crime called See No Evil. It was created in collaboration with Cass Productions and features four of Blue Apple’s actors who all have learning disabilities. The thought-provoking short film was developed with the Hampshire Police Crime Commissioner and Hampshire County Council.  It aims to raise awareness about hate crime, including disability hate crime and the exploitation of vulnerable people within the context of county lines drug trafficking.

Watch See No Evil by clicking the play button below:



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Further information and support:

You can speak to your local police by dialling 101, or in an emergency 999.

If you don’t want to give your name, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.