
Two free taster sessions at Forest Forge in Ringwood

Two free taster sessions at Forest Forge in Ringwood

We are running two FREE evening taster drama sessions in partnership with Forest Forge Theatre in Ringwood Tuesday and Thursday this week for adults with learning disabilities, facilitated by Olivia Murphy.

Blue Apple performers at Warsaw conference

Blue Apple performers at Warsaw conference

Blue Apple Artistic Director Richard Conlon is presenting alongside Blue Apple actors Anna Brisbane and Katie Appleford on Saturday 4 March at a conference in Warsaw hosted by Polish theatre company Teatr 21 on the theme “Theatre as a road to inclusion”.

World Holocaust Memorial Day 2022

Today on World Holocaust Memorial Day we reflect on the lives damaged or destroyed by the Nazi regime.  Among those were many thousands of people with learning disabilities who were forcibly sterilised or murdered. Blue Apple advocates for the development of a more inclusive and equal society and is committed to the development of integrated and progressive opportunities within the arts for people with learning disabilities to enhance their social, personal and artistic skills and achieve public recognition for their talents. #WorldHolocaustMemorialDay

A group of people in triangle formation with arms outstretched towards the camera